
Tell us about Holborn


We want to hear what you think of Holborn

We've got ambitious plans to transform Holborn into a place for people with attractive, healthy, accessible and safe streets for everyone!

We want the air you're breathing to be cleaner, for there to be more plants and trees, in beautiful new and improved spaces.

We want to make getting around by sustainable and healthy types of transport easier and faster. 

But to do this we need to hear what's important to you and how you feel about Holborn now, so we can shape this project together. 

By taking part in our surveys together we can help Holborn and its communities, businesses and visitors thrive.

To take part, answer a few quick questions below on what you think of Holborn now.

If you want to tell us about a problem or an idea you have for a specific location in the area, you can also use our interactive map.

New Oxford Street idea
New Oxford Street now
New Oxford Street nowNew Oxford Street idea

Our ideas for projects

HLN map February 2024.pdf
HLN map February 2024.pdf
Text version of map.docx
Text version of map.docx

Hate Holborn

Love Holborn

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Add something else

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Completely disagree

Completely agree

Completely disagree

Completely agree

Completely disagree

Completely agree

Don't like

Love it






Not enough

Just right

What is your email address?